Montag, 25. Mai 2015

hard to say... thanks

sometimes i think to myself  'how hard can it be to say thanks?'
well, obviously it's quite hard...
instead  a 'thanks for your birthdaycard' i got a 'card's sweet, someday a year it's right too'
fucking bastard.

but thats a thing i wont say or write to him...
thats not the way i am...
the next time i'll meet him, i'll smile and keep quiet...

i think i have a way with strange people... no, people with problems...
they come near me like bees 'round a honeypot...
 and the thing is... this one i really like...
i really do, but if i say that loud he will be away, running again...
so - i keep on smiling and swallowing all my anger, my bad language, my...
and keep on hoping, that someday things change...

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